Ellie's Progress

 Pregnancy Ticker

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My long over due birth story

My labor wasvery traumatic. When I hit 34 weeks I was I diagnosed with preeclampsia and from there it was touch and go I was having about 3 appt a week to be monitored. They decided to get me to 37 weeks so Ellie's lungs could have more time but it was easy even on strict bed rest my bp was getting hight and my protein levels were only getting high as time passed. So when I went in for my check up on September 30 they decided to admit me once again only this time after 24 hours they decided the hospital would be where I would stay till I delivered Ellie. I was induced right at 37 weeks. I was in labor for about 36 hours. It started October 4 at 6 pm by having cervidil inserted. After a long night of cramping and getting no where still sitting at 1 cm I was started on oxytocin(AKA Pitocin) at 7 am. By 1 pm I hadn't made any progress I was still sitting at 1 cm. So They stopped that and let me shower and eat which didn't go well they forgot to mention to only get clear liquids. My grilled cheese and tomato soup ended up in the trash and all me and baby got was sherbet ice cream and that was hard keeping down. By 4 pm I was at 2 cm so they inserted cytotec at 430-5 hoping that would throw me into labor. The on call doctor came in at 8 I was still sitting at about 2-3 cm so she broke my water right then at 8:10pm and within seconds the contractions I thought we're bad just got alot worse. She also started the pitocin back up. Within an hour I got pain meds through my IV which don't get rid of the pain they make you very relaxed but they only last an hour and you can only get three dose's and they become less effective every dose. I got a second dose and after 45 minutes I asked for the epidural(which I said I would never get). They put the epi and a catheter and internal moniter to watch Ellie closer because her heart rate was too high and wasn't going down. They got all those going by 12 pm(Pitocin makes your contractions come harder and stronger so be ware) About 6 in the morning they realized my epidural wasn't working due to my swelling and being able to lay on my sides only (due to my bp) it was resisting the flow of the drugs so they inserted a new medication in and it was amazing but it didn't get rid of all the pain in my pelvic area but it felt amazing . One of my doctors that was there checking on a patient came in and checked me do to my on call doctor being in surgery at 10 am I was 8/9 cm. I had a small lip left. The nurse was going to deliver me but every contraction Ellie's heart rate would dip very low. THe doctor visting said to try and have me wait as long as she could just incase otherwise he would deliver me. So we waited till 10:30 and luckily he was done with surgery. He had me start pushing as soon as he arrived. After 5 minutes he wanted to do a C-section but he told me to push a couple more time Ellie's heart was still dipping really low. They decided they didn't have time to get me to the operation room decided to use the vacuum to get her out. At 10:46 am Ellie was born. She weighed 6lbs 4 oz and was 18 inches long. Her cord was around her neck and her lungs weren't quite ready. When she was born she wasn't breathing they had to resuscitate her and put her on oxygen. They let Kenny hold her for a minute so I could see her. Then they rushed her too the NICU. So after 36 hours of labor I ended up with two small tears on each side totaling in like 4 stitches. I was in pain and I wasn't able to walk for 24 hours due to being so swollen. Even after 24 hours I had to have Kenny and a nurse hold on to my arms. My Kidneys had also started shutting down while I was in labor mostly from the pree. So all in all it hurt. But part of it was the induction and I said I wouldn't use pain medication but in the end I did after anout 24 hours I couldn't take the pain. Good luck to all mommies getting ready to have their babies. I wish you all the best and hope yours goes more smoothly then mine. About my baby she was in the NICU for 5 days. After oxygen, medication, 2 blood transfusions, IV, head scans, feeding tube, umbilical catheter, wonderful care from the amazing NICU nurses and a lot of blood drawls she was cleared to go home and it's been amazing ever since. I'm thankful my doctors decided to have me got to 37 weeks instead of 35. Thanks for reading me and Ellies long labor and delivery.