I can't wait for tomorrow. We have our 3D/4D Ultrasound scheduled at 1230 through Prenatal Vision. This will be the last time we will get to see baby Ellie Rose before she's born. I'm excited. After looking at pictures of other peoples 3D's I have to say I hope Ellie is nice and lets mommie get a bunch of good shots. I really want to see who's she's looking more like Kenny or me. Not that it matters I love her either way but I can't help but wonder who this active little girl that living inside me looks like. :) Then after the Ultrasound we are going out for my youngest sisters 8th birthday. We get to see G Force. Woot Woot. LOL THen out to dinner at Olive Garden because she says they have the best salads their her favorite. I love little kids their funny. I will be a fun day. Oh and the 2nd most important part we're ordering Ellies CRIB. YAY. THis will be a load off my back. I've been so worried we'd end up ordering it late and not get it in time but 12 weeks is plenty. So with all that said I'm off to make dinner and cupcakes :) I'll post picture of the ultrasound as soon as I can tomorrow.
Here we are today at 27 weeks and 5 days. :)