Ellie's Progress

 Pregnancy Ticker

Friday, July 31, 2009

Way to Excited.

I can't wait for tomorrow. We have our 3D/4D Ultrasound scheduled at 1230 through Prenatal Vision. This will be the last time we will get to see baby Ellie Rose before she's born. I'm excited. After looking at pictures of other peoples 3D's I have to say I hope Ellie is nice and lets mommie get a bunch of good shots. I really want to see who's she's looking more like Kenny or me. Not that it matters I love her either way but I can't help but wonder who this active little girl that living inside me looks like. :) Then after the Ultrasound we are going out for my youngest sisters 8th birthday. We get to see G Force. Woot Woot. LOL THen out to dinner at Olive Garden because she says they have the best salads their her favorite. I love little kids their funny. I will be a fun day. Oh and the 2nd most important part we're ordering Ellies CRIB. YAY. THis will be a load off my back. I've been so worried we'd end up ordering it late and not get it in time but 12 weeks is plenty. So with all that said I'm off to make dinner and cupcakes :) I'll post picture of the ultrasound as soon as I can tomorrow.

Here we are today at 27 weeks and 5 days. :)

I Love You Ellie!

Eviction Notice

I'm posting this for a few mommies-to-be my sister showed it to me before she had her baby last March. Enjoy.

Baby Eviction Notice 

Dear                    ,

I am issuing 30 day notice for EVICTION. Tenant will have 30 days in which he can either gather his belongings and promptly vacate the premises, or wait until the final day. After which, he will be physically removed from the property. 

He's being evicted due to breech of contract and destruction of property. Expansions only to the FRONT of the house, within reasonable limits, were discussed. Not only have these limits been exceeded, but additions to the back of the house were also made!

Remodeling and gutting of the home was never approved, nor was changing the initial layout and base structure. And due to property damage, there are now leaks in both the upper AND lower levels of the home. On top of which, the landlord has received numerous complaints about nightly disturbances. 

After 30 days from this day that he doesn’t comply with the notice will result in immediate and forceful removal at my discretion.

Love Mommy

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


After months of being set on a Da Vinci Parker 4 in 1 crib from BRU. I have discovered JCPenny's and how wonderful they are. lol. My biggest thing with the crib is I want it made of hardwood not pine. I'd ruin the wood in a week if it was pine. Which is why I no longer want a crib from BRU. The ones that aren't pine there cost an arm and a leg. So after a week of looking else where we have found 3 cribs we absolutely love from JCPenny's. 

Here's the original Crib and changer we we're going to go with. It's nice but just not what I really want. 

These would be our new 3 favorite cribs. I really love the last one but in the coffee finish. Hopefully that will be the one we get but either way it will be one of these 3.

This is the changer it matches all three just the legs change on each set.

July 8th, 2009 24 weeks!

Doctor's went ok. Baby's good Heart rate in the 150's now. Still no weight gain :( but didn't lose any either this time :) August 5 I have my glucose test Boo I don't wanna drink "The Juice" oh well I guess it's good to know if you have GB or not. I doubt I do but you never know. THey put me on new medication for all the throwing up the doctor's are hoping its just from heartburn but their not sure they said if the new stuff doesn't help to call the office. THey also said they still aren't to worried yet because I didn't lose weight this time that thats a good sign. But they asked a million questions about it so I think their a little worried they just don't want me stressed over it because that obviously won't help. But I'm not worried I know Ellie's okay she likes to beat me up all the time :). So over all all's good Fontal height still right on track at 24cm. :)

June 10th, 2009 It's a GIRL

Well it's a GIRL. Ellie Rose Runyon is on her way. Kenny about cried and there was no mistaking she was a girl. :) The ultrasound went good. We had a little trouble getting all her measurements due to Ellie being curled up in a ball the whole time. lol It was cute she didn't want to stretch out for the tech. Her heart rate was great at 164. No more infection YAY. The doctor was confident that I should be done with that for now. Hopefully it stays gone. Still no weight gain but he said we won't worry about that because me and Ellie's measurements we're all right on the money. :) 

Baby Ellie Rose at 20 weeks and 3 days!

May 26, 2009

At 18 weeks we had baby kicks. I'll never for get babies first kicks. It was like baby was going hey you I can hear you talking about me.

May 17, 2009

We had movement. I felt my first flutters from baby. 

16 weeks! May 12, 2009

We had made it too 16 weeks. That month at our doctor's appt. it was not so much fun. I had to have a colposcopy due to abnormal cells on my cervix and was told I still had and infection. 
So Tuesday May 12, 2009 I had my 16 week check-up and colposcopy. It started that I have lost more weight. But baby heartbeat was strong and very rhythmatic so the doctor's not going to worry about it yet. It was funny baby wouldn't stay in the same place he had to keep moving the doppler. Then the crappy part.  I have to go back on medication for bacteria infection. Which is not so good it makes me sick and can cause per-mature birth so lets hope it gets rid of the infection this time so I'm done with it. Then the Colposcopy. Turns out I do have a few spots of abnormal cells around my cervix but my doctor want's to wait and see if my body will take care of it after I give birth before doing a biopsy. So I go back for another colposcopy 6 weeks after I have baby and they'll do a biopsy then. I'm just glad baby's swimming around in there happy as can be. On an up note less then four weeks till the big day of revealing. :)

12 weeks!

A lot was happening. It was finally sinking in we were really having a baby. Pretty much everyone knew we we're expecting. Got to love facebook. :) We started to get paranoid about what we we're going to do. We decided to go ahead and have the NT scan. Not that I would abort my baby if something was wrong but so I could prepare myself as much as I could and besides I got to see baby again. 

So on Monday April 13 we had our NT done and had our 12 week check up.  It' was amazing. It brought tears to kenny's eyes when he saw our baby moving around kicking it's little legs and swing it's tiny little arms. And the baby's heart beat beating so strong at 164. It sounded like a tech-no concert. I think it really made baby real for him. It was funny though the lady performing the ultrasound kept getting frustrated because every time she went to measure the back of the neck baby would turn or roll the other way. It made me laugh and when i would laugh baby would arch its back. So stubborn like momma already. I can't wait to meet baby. It's so amazing how much baby had grown in 5 short weeks. 

Our little Peanut at 12 weeks and 1 day

The first 8 weeks.

Well it all started back in February. One week after Valentines Day to be exact. THat whole week I hadn't been feeling like myself. Way to tired, boob hurt like crazy(hurt to wear a shirt), and I had to go to the bathroom every half hour to an hour. So Friday February 20, 2009 I took my first pregnancy test. I knew the answer before I even looked at the results. Two lines it was positive I was in shock I thought I was seeing things to I rushed over to my friends house and had her look just to make sure I wasn't crazy. Then that night when Kenny got home I told him I had something I really need to show him and handed him a towel. Of course he was like what's this. After he unwrapped it he about dropped.  He was whiter then a ghost. We both thought it be wise to take another test to make sure. So we took a digital which of course said positive within 30 seconds. 

Two positives! I think we're pregnant!

The next week after it soaked in I was pregnant we called and made our first doctor's appt. They calculated my due date to be October 25th and scheduled my first appt. for March 13th.So when time came Kenny, my mom, and me headed to the doctor's. Kenny stayed in the waiting room his excuse was he could stand teh thought of and internal ultrasound I think it was more he was scared. But there was no mistaking it at 7 weeks I got to see our little peanut for the first time. I had tears in my eyes just seeing the little flicker on the screen from babys heart beating. I wish I could of heard it but baby wasn't far enough along yet.  And that's how we found out about our delightful surprise. Baby Runyon is on it's way due October 25, 2009.

Our little Peanuts first pictures!

Now Blogging

So a friend talked me into creating an official blog. SHe stance it's better then just posting everything on myspace, facebook, myyearbook,  the bump, and so forth. With a blog spot i can post in one place and just link it to my profiles. SO here goes. We are now blogging. :)